
Upserts accept only one argument, it's an object containing the data to insert into the database or an array of objects to insert. If the primary key of the data is provided then either the data in that place of the database will be replaced with the new data or the new data will simply be inserted. If no primary key is provided, a new one will be generated if the primary key is of type uuid, int with auto increment or timeId, timeIdms. If you use any other type as a primary key, you must provide it inside the object being upserted.

Finally, you can use a where statement with upserts to modify multiple rows based on the condition provided. Using where will never insert new rows, only modify existing ones. If you use where you cannot use an array to insert multiple records at once.

Some examples:

// Add multiple new rows
.query("upsert",[{name:"billy",age:50}, {name: "jeb", age: 30}])

//Set all accounts with a balance less than zero to closed.

// Assuming the primary key is id, set the data in row 5 to the provided data
.query("upsert",{id:5, name:"billy", age:50})

// Nested upsert
nSQL("users.age").query("upsert", 50).where(["name", "=", "billy"]).exec()..

Updating Immutable Rows

Columns can be frozen with the immutable property set to true, this makes the columns ignore normal updates. You can optionally force immutable rows to be updated with the .updateImmutable method. When you call the method, include an object with the keys and values of the immutable property(s) to update. The argument passed into updateImmutable works much like what you'd pass into the regular upsert query, except it allows immutable columns to update.

// update the immutable slug column with a new value
.where(["id", "=", 3])
.updateImmutable({slug: "some-post-slug"})

Upserting A Large Number Of Records

In some cases you may want to modify or add thousands of records. In this case it's a good idea to use the .stream() api. With the normal .exec() the modified/added rows are stored in memory and returned with the result. This can be a problem if you are modifying more rows than you have memory for, so the stream api solves this by not storing the rows in memory. It's easy to use instead of .exec(), just replace .exec() with .stream() and add a few callbacks:

.stream((row) => {
    // on row update
}, () => {
    // all updates/inserts done
}, (err) => {
    // query encountered error
Last Updated: 6/24/2019, 10:43:46 AM